Raden Intan Open Conference System, The 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences

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PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION OF DAI IN MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL COACHING OF THE JAMA'AH TO ACTUALIZE THE UNITY (The Study at Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Islamic Boarding School in Sidoharjo Village, Jati Agung District, South Lampung Regency).
M. Nasor

Last modified: 2021-09-02


Human life in this world as a social being in its existence is required to have good social interaction between one another. Community life like that  must have communication that can bridge the gap to actualize mutual understanding and eliminate disharmony. This condition is a very good and ideal life order created by the life of the people to understand, appreciate, and help together. The form of the community order can be seen in the congregation of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School which is a reflection of the life resulting from the building of persuasive communication carried out by the da'i (missionary). Their existence consists of various ethnic groups, customs, religions, and class races, must receive spiritual mental guidance from a da'i in order to have noble Islamic values and values. Such characters must get continuous coaching so that the community has the character to love goodness and leave the traits of evil to  actualize life in unity.  Mental spiritual coaching in universal Islam regulates relationships based on aspects of mutual respect, non-coercion, principles of justice, humanity, togetherness, and brotherhood to create unity in life. To achieve this, a da'i needs to take a persuasive communication approach that can touch the psychological aspects of jama'ah (congregation), thus creating a commitment to maintain faith and humanity within certain limits. This method will be easier and more effective to foster the confidence of jama'ah (congregation) to create unity by means of mutual respect, living together, and living in brotherhood